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Sunday, July 25, 2021

how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

how much does youtube pay/ how do youtubers make money/ how much money does youtube pay/यूट्यूब कितना भुगतान करता है youtubers पैसे कैसे कमाते हैं

There are still many skeptics in this world who believe that it is possible to make money online. In fact, there are many success stories of people who have made a profit online. YouTube is one of the many ways you can experience the Internet, and if you are lucky you are an Internet millionaire.


Below provides a guide on How Much YouTubers Make;


Google pays 68% of AdSense revenue, so for every $ 100 advertiser pays, Google pays $ 68 per publisher.

Prices paid by the advertiser vary, usually between $ 0.10 to $ 0.30 per view, but average $ 0.18 per view.

On average a YouTube channel can earn $ 18 per 1,000 ad views. This amounts to $ 3 - $ 5 per 1000 video views.

In this post we talked about how people make money on YouTube. However, how much do they make? Here's a Youtube Earnings Estimator you can give a spin - to find out how much YouTube makes, read on;

Well, for thousands of YouTubers, the response is "nothing," or "very little." However, there are many YouTubers who make a living from their video channels. In addition, there is a small group of elite earning extraordinary money through videos they make and post online.

 यूट्यूब कितना भुगतान करता है

youtubers पैसे कैसे कमाते हैं

यूट्यूब कितना पैसा देता है

एक यूट्यूबर कितना कमाता है

आप यूट्यूब पर कितना कमाते हैं

आप यूट्यूब पर कितना कमा सकते हैं

When it comes to leading YouTube success brings success. You will find that the dollar is the hardest to find the first one. When you have more subscribers, more people will click on your ads. The more people click on your ads, the more you make a name for yourself, the more likely the products are to give you sponsorship or marketing deals.  The better  known  your channel, the more likely you are to join a network of multiple channels. It is like being in a high wind.

YouTubers कितना कमाते हैं, इस बारे में नीचे एक गाइड दी गई है;

 Google AdSense राजस्व का 68% भुगतान करता है, इसलिए प्रत्येक $ 100 विज्ञापनदाता भुगतान के लिए, Google प्रति प्रकाशक $ 68 का भुगतान करता है।

विज्ञापनदाता द्वारा भुगतान की जाने वाली कीमतें आमतौर पर $ 0.10 से $ 0.30 प्रति दृश्य के बीच भिन्न होती हैं, लेकिन औसत $ 0.18 प्रति दृश्य।

औसतन एक YouTube चैनल प्रति 1,000 विज्ञापन दृश्यों पर $18 कमा सकता है। यह $ 3 - $ 5 प्रति 1000 वीडियो दृश्य के बराबर है।

इस पोस्ट में हमने बात की कि लोग YouTube पर पैसे कैसे कमाते हैं। हालांकि, वे कितना कमाते हैं? यहां एक यूट्यूब कमाई अनुमानक है जिसे आप स्पिन दे सकते हैं - यह पता लगाने के लिए कि यूट्यूब कितना कमाता है, पढ़ें;

how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube
how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

खैर, हजारों YouTubers के लिए, प्रतिक्रिया "कुछ नहीं," या "बहुत कम" है। हालाँकि, कई YouTubers हैं जो अपने वीडियो चैनलों से जीविकोपार्जन करते हैं। इसके अलावा, कुलीन वर्ग का एक छोटा समूह है जो अपने द्वारा बनाए गए और ऑनलाइन पोस्ट किए गए वीडियो के माध्यम से असाधारण धन कमा रहा है।

जब अग्रणी YouTube सफलता की बात आती है तो सफलता मिलती है। आप पाएंगे कि पहले डॉलर को खोजना सबसे कठिन है। जब आपके पास अधिक ग्राहक होंगे, तो अधिक लोग आपके विज्ञापनों पर क्लिक करेंगे। जितने अधिक लोग आपके विज्ञापनों पर क्लिक करते हैं, उतना ही आप अपने लिए एक नाम बनाते हैं, उतनी ही अधिक संभावना है कि उत्पाद आपको प्रायोजन या मार्केटिंग सौदे दे सकते हैं। आपका चैनल जितना बेहतर होगा, आपके कई चैनलों के नेटवर्क में शामिल होने की संभावना उतनी ही अधिक होगी। यह तेज हवा में होने जैसा है।

What Can You Find in the Early Days of Your Channel?

There is no chance of you gaining anything as you post your first video on YouTube. It's a new video, and it's really a long way from being considered influential. However, everyone should start at the bottom. Even Pew Die Pie was not known for uploading his first video in 2010. It is now so popular that people are making videos interviewing Pew Die Pie's first subscribers, about whether they feel popular. Back in the beginning, he was making niche videos in Swedish.


In theory, you can sign up for an Adsense account and enable your channel to monetize from the moment you create a YouTube channel. However, in reality, it is impossible to make real money until you build traffic to your site - and with that, I mean real traffic from people watching your videos, not by taking a shortcut to pay for views.


While there are some CPM ads (cost per thousand views), most are CPC (cost per click). To get anything done with CPC ad, you need the viewer to click on the ad. In fact, only a small percentage of your viewers will click on the ads around your videos. Even CPM ads in the video itself require more than just a glance. To calculate the payout, the viewer must watch it for at least 30 seconds (or half the shortest video ad). Think about how many people passed the ad at the beginning of the video, thus eliminating any payment opportunity on the channel. When viewers click or watch your ads long enough to earn money, you share any advertising revenue with YouTube. You will only be paid if your AdSense account reaches $ 100.

One way you can start making money with a very small number of subscribers is if you choose a popular topic and participate in affiliate marketing. For example, if your videos are reviewing a popular product type, and you link to the corresponding sales page for this product you can start making money that way.


With a negative idea of ​​how much Youtubers make use of the salary scale below and then import the user's Youtube channel

Of course some funds are easier than others to make money from, so if you hope to one day live on the money earned by your channel it can help if you establish your channel on an attractive topic. Probably the  most successful niche to play. Let's face it, playing games is a big industry in itself, and most players have the right amount of income to spend. Some successful niches include:

Moderately Successful Channels

With enough perseverance, not to mention the camera talent, you have to finally get yourself out of YouTube for poor actors. By this time you should be earning AdSense revenue every month, with the corresponding marketing revenue if you choose to go down that route.


However, at this stage, you are still publishing a lot of love videos, with another source of money that pays for your daily survival costs. Currently you can be considered as a small influence on your particular niche.


Once you have something like 20,000 subscribers, you might consider asking for a refund for help with a site like Patreon. Patreon's regular sponsor donates $ 7, and Patreon keeps 5% of the promises as a commission. It should be noted, however, that if you upload videos regularly, you may receive recurring payments from your Patreon sponsors. One example is The Comedy Button which currently has 5,266 sponsors who pay them $ 13,129 per month. This is a YouTube channel with approximately 24,500 subscribers


As soon as these channels start to see success, they should want to do more with their AdWords, for example, by chasing phrases at a higher price per click (CPC). If it is a review channel, for example, you can focus on reviewing products that attract ads with high CPC.


how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube
how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

At the moment they can become famous enough for small brands to ask the channel to authorize their products. However, these channels are small, according to YouTube standards, so revenue from sponsorship and product placement will still be enough for channel owners to survive.

see them as less influential, and channels certainly do not generate full-time revenue. Dunn runs the channel with his friend, Just Just Us. You would think that would be sufficient to ensure the survival of the fittest. However, Dunn says, "despite this success, we're still turning off… but it's not enough to survive, and its entry is unexpected. Our channel is in that empty YouTube world: Brands thinks we're too small to support them, but fans think we're too big for donations. . ”


Well, it depends on who your audience is. One issue that many YouTubers face is that their fans are naturally anti-establishment, anti-capitalist, and the idea that their YouTube heroes may be selling themselves. Other types of channels, such as review channels, play channels, and then anything related to the business make it easy. Their fans expect these channels to make money, so don’t hesitate to help them.

Success starts at 1,000,000

When the number of YouTube channel subscribers reaches millions, life becomes easier for owners. These channels are beginning to gain popularity and are beginning to be seen as influential in their niche.


1,000,000 subscribers sounded small, but these channels do not exist in the elite company. There are now more than 2,000 channels in 1,000,000+ clubs. Some of these are the official offline superstars' channels, especially Justin Bieber and Rihanna's favorite music channels, but quite a few of the everyday people who have built their own following YouTube.


Once you have a following of this size, you have traffic to earn acceptable money.

Clearly, it is important for the channel to keep coming up with new videos, at least one to two videos a week. If the channel were able to get all its 1,000,000 followers to watch two new videos a week we would get each week: $ 18 x 1,000 x 2 = $ 36,000 a week from AdSense alone.


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how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

Obviously, at this level the channel is also more likely to have support opportunities, recommendations, and product placements. Many of these YouTube stars will also be known enough to sell products on their fanbase. Any reviews of this type of channel tend to make good money through affiliate marketing, even if they are only affiliated with Amazon, and at relatively low prices of 1 - 10% to pay to agents.

Great YouTube Heroes

Then there are true YouTube stars, some of whom earn a living from their activities on the social network.


It is impossible to earn revenue directly from YouTube - there are too many variations and undisclosed figures. However, there are many websites that offer "good guesses" of the revenue earned by leading YouTube channels. Forbes published a list of the highest paid YouTubers in 2015. The top ten stations managed to earn at least $ 2.5 million each in their pre-tax pay for the year ending June 1, 2015. Sweden, Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie managed to earn $ 12 million in that financial year - not the worst for someone who spends his days playing video games.


The Top 10 Forbes Winners of the 2015 YouTube Stars were:

1: PewDiePie - $ 12 million

Second equivalent: Smosh - $ 8.5 million

Second equals: Good Brothers - $ 8.5 million

Fourth: Lindsey Stirling - $ 6 million

5 equivalent: Rhett & Link - $ 4.5 million

6 equals: KSI - $ 4.5 million

Seventh: Michelle Phan - $ 3 million

Eight equals: Lilly Singh - $ 2.5 million

Eight equals: Roman Attwood - $ 2.5 million

Eight equals: Rosanna Pansino - $ 2.5 million

In January 2016 Money Nation released their financial calculators and estimated that PieDiePie was worth $ 78 million. You are an example of how you can build your income directly from YouTube, as well as the flow as a result of your success there, over the years. According to Money Nation statistics his Net Worth has grown since he started his channel, as follows:

You can’t ignore the value of his sales earnings. MoneyNation estimates that the current profit is $ 41 million to match the estimated $ 112 million he received directly from his YouTube channel. They also calculated PewDiePie's annual salary to be about $ 14 million.


While PewDiePie is unique, its financial success should be a positive sign for all YouTube content providers. His stats should be a goal of aspiration for anyone starting a YouTube channel. Yes, it's hard to make money on YouTube. Yes, you should work consistently, not just making your own videos, but also promoting them, building relationships with your audience. However, PieDiePie has shown that you can succeed on YouTube. You can be both rich and have a huge impact on your fanbase. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Those who do can be very successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do YouTubers make?

YouTubers कितना कमाते हैं?

इस लेख में, हम इस पर करीब से नज़र डालते हैं कि YouTubers आम तौर पर कितना कमाते हैं। Google AdSense राजस्व का 68% भुगतान करता है, इसलिए प्रत्येक $ 100 विज्ञापनदाता भुगतान के लिए, Google $ 68 प्रति प्रकाशक (YouTuber) का भुगतान करता है। विज्ञापनदाता द्वारा भुगतान की जाने वाली कीमतें आमतौर पर $ 0.10 से $ 0.30 प्रति दृश्य के बीच भिन्न होती हैं, लेकिन औसत $ 0.18 प्रति दृश्य। औसतन, एक YouTube चैनल $ 18 प्रति 1,000 विज्ञापन दृश्य कमा सकता है, जो $ 3 - $ 5 प्रति 1000 वीडियो दृश्य के बराबर है।

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how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

सबसे अधिक भुगतान पाने वाला YouTuber कौन है?

जब आप विज्ञापन छोड़ते हैं तो क्या YouTubers पैसे कमाते हैं?

YouTuber प्रति वर्ष कितना कमाता है?

क्या यूट्यूब नौकरी बन सकता है?

क्या YouTubers को लाइक या व्यू के लिए भुगतान किया जाता है?

In this article, we take a closer look at how much YouTubers typically make. Google pays 68% of AdSense revenue, so for every $ 100 advertiser pays, Google pays $ 68 per publisher (YouTuber). Prices paid by the advertiser vary, usually  between  $ 0.10 to $ 0.30 per view, but average $ 0.18 per view. On average, a YouTube channel can earn $ 18 per 1,000 ad views, equivalent to $ 3 - $ 5 per 1000 video views.


Who is the most paid YouTuber?

Do YouTubers make money when you skip ads?

How much does YouTuber make per year?

Can YouTube be a job?

Are YouTubers paid for likes or views?

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Twitter b2b Marketing Services 2021-2022

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Has your B2B content marketing strategy been successful? Or do you sometimes feel like your strategy needs a face lift? According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing leaders experience 7.8 times more site content than leaders. So what separates the two groups, and how can you improve your content strategy to produce that kind of success?

The answer may lie in the content of your B2B blog. 80% of reported B2B marketers incorporate blogging into their marketing strategy. However, there is still much room for growth and development in the B2B blogging industry. When asked about the future of their marketing efforts, some 52% of B2B marketers have agreed that they expect blogging to be their most important strategy for success next year.

Now what can you do to continue to embrace this growing trend? Here are eight simple steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation.

Invest in a dynamic storyteller

So B2B content marketing is based on a company product or service - but good, advertising for B2B content marketing is built on storytelling. As human beings, our motives are tied to compelling and downloadable issues. Regardless of our age, a well-chosen story can move us to take positive action.

Take this example from New Relic, a company that helps businesses filter and understand the meaning of their data. Often, the product of this company can sound as exciting as looking dry paint. But with the story of the company’s journey and its desire to understand, New Relic takes a dry story and makes it more appealing. Instead of thinking in detail, customers think, "I would like to be able to understand my business more clearly." That's the beauty of storytelling.

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Choose quality content over quantity

With so much pressure on filling that content calendar, the quality of B2B blogs and other content can quickly decline. While it's important to keep that content flowing, you'll never want to lose the quality of your content. Don't give them reason to want content from their competitors - always strive to provide them with high quality consistent content that keeps them coming back for more.

Create content around a predetermined purpose

What is the purpose of your company? This is the first and most important question you need to ask yourself before any content is created. If you do not have a clear goal or goal, your content will appear to be harmful and your readers will have no reason to return.

Make it your own

No one likes a casual reference - just being one face in the crowd. We want to feel special. That's why you no doubt plan to call with your personal information - to greet you in words, give you local weather, and see your fingers.

In B2B content marketing, we need to make our approach your own if we want to succeed. Many successful advertisers have already begun to do so. A recent study published by For rester Consulting and Persado found that 69% of advertisers used information from loyalty programs and customer numbers to determine which offers might appeal to certain individuals. Another 67% of advertisers used behavioral data to create relevant content based on perceptions and feelings. Can you use this type of data in your marketing strategy?

Be a reliable source of information

One way to become an official is to produce data cited by humans. Do your research, publish your surveys, and use the important information you collect. In addition to external use, consider sharing them internally, with staff recruitment, or with customers.

In the meantime, those in your industry will find it important. Create reports, articles, presentations and white papers quoting your information. Encourage it on social media and direct people to a conversation where they can get the full report in exchange for an email address.

Go live whenever possible

67% of B2B advertisers say live events make it one of the most effective strategies. It makes people talk around about your product, meet potential and current customers, and give your company a sense of personality.

Another great benefit of a live event is that you can live long after the end of the event. Create video captions for your live event to use in your advertising. Make video chats with attendees to get you more involved and encourage attendees to stay connected. Ask people at the event to follow you on social media. Create a special, event-specific hashtag that you can use to track feedback from the event and promote the event before, during and after.

GE is well aware of these marketing strategies for its Healthy magi nation event, which is part of a drive to bring affordable health care to developing countries and improve its healthcare technology. GE has created cinematic venues at the event where industry experts can share their stories. The content produced at this event is highlighted by GE to further its cause.

Give your outstanding content leg up

While B2B blogs have a shelf life, this can be expanded in many ways. Some blog posts are always green, and naturally give you a lot of traffic. There’s also a lot you can do to keep the best blog posts going long after that first wave of readers is dead.

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Twitter b2b Marketing Services 2021-2022

Another way to extend the shelf life of your content is to convert it into paid media. This enhances your managed or shared media because it reaches more than your current audience. And by choosing high quality content, you put your foot forward by clicking first while extending the life of your well-written and carefully prepared content.

You can also take outstanding blog posts and update them with new information. It looks new to your audience, but it does not involve much extra work on your part.

Check everything

Why do some sites seem so successful, while others have some sad content that they are failing? Luck doesn’t go into the equation - a lot goes down to the test. Check what works, stick to it. Try different types of content (views, info graphics, CTAs, and blog post topics) to see what works for your audience. Use analytics programs like Google Analytics to get detailed information about your location, and try to find your personal success formula.

Some Points to Keep in Mind…

Make your content style as personal as possible.

Use paid media to get as many eyes as possible for your truly amazing post.

Use live events to get people involved in your product.

Make your content about storytelling.

Do not be shy. Apply these practices to your B2B content marketing strategy as soon as possible, and be ready to see measurable improvements.

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Sunday, July 18, 2021

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•  Vаlidity  оf  exрerienсe  will  be  deсided  by  РN  Seleсtiоn  Bоаrd  &  seniоrity  will  be  аwаrded  ассоrdingly.

•  Higher  quаlifiсаtiоn/  Exрerienсe  will  be  рreferred.

•  18  Yeаrs  quаlifiсаtiоn  (i.e  MS/  M.Рhil/  MBА)  shоuld  be  in  the  sаme  disсiрline  аs  thаt  оf  BS/BE/BBА  оr  аny  relevаnt


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equivаlenсe  frоm  HEС.

•  Self  emрlоyment/free  lаnсing  аnd  tuitiоn  etс  will  nоt  be  tаken  аs  exрerienсe.

•  Exрerienсe  shоuld  be  verifiаble  thrоugh  suрроrting  dосuments/  exрerienсe  сertifiсаtes  frоm  соnсern  institutiоn/


•  Сорy  оf  HEС  verified  degrees  аre  tо  be  submitted  аt  РNRSСs.


Fоllоwing  аre  Ineligible:

•  Rejeсted  by  ISSB/GHQ/АHQ  Seleсtiоn  Bоаrd.

•  Twiсe  rejeсted  by  ISSB  аfter  Роst  Grаduаtiоn.

•  Twiсe  befоre  Роst  Grаduаtiоn  аnd  оnсe  аfter  Роst  Grаduаtiоn.

•  Оnсe  befоre  роst  Grаduаtiоn  аnd  twiсe  аfter  Роst  Grаduаtiоn.

•  Twiсe  rejeсted  by  ISSB  аt  FА/FSс/А-level.

•  Dismissed/  remоved  /  resigned  frоm  Gоvernment  Serviсe.

•  Соnviсted  by  а  соurt  оf  lаw  fоr  оffenсe  invоlving  mоrаl  turрitude.

•  Deсlаred  unfit  by  Аррeаl  Mediсаl  Bоаrd.

•  Deсlаred  unfit  by  аn  аrmed  fоrсes  hоsрitаl  exсeрt  thоse  сleаred  by  Аррeаl  Mediсаl  Bоаrd  (АMB).

•  Deсlаred  mediсаlly  unfit  due  tо  Heраtitis  B  &  С  (АMB  саnnоt  be  requested).

•  Withdrаwn  frоm  аny  bоnded  Аrmed  Fоrсes  Соllege/  institute  оn  disсiрlinаry  grоunds

•  Withdrаwn/  resigned  /  dismissed  frоm  Аrmed  Fоrсes  institutes  Асаdemy/  Trаining  institute  оn  аny  grоund.

•  Mаrried  tо  а  Fоreign  Nаtiоnаl.

•  Submitting  temрered  асаdemiс  сertifiсаtes.

•  Соnсeаlment  оf  infоrmаtiоn  in  the  аррliсаtiоn  fоrm.

•  Саndidаtes  hоlding  duаl  nаtiоnаlity  unless  they  surrender  the  sаme  рriоr  tо  соmmissiоning/  раssing  оut  оr  within  рeriоd

оf  six  mоnths  оf  jоining  РN,  whiсhever  is  eаrlier.

Nоte:  Thоse  whо  асhieve  even  higher  quаlifiсаtiоn  i.e  Рh.D/  equivаlent  аre  eligible  fоr  fоurth  сhаnсe;  this  сhаnсe  is  оnly

аррliсаble  when  there  is  requirement  оf  Рh.D  саndidаtes  in  раrtiсulаr  саdre/  саtegоry.


Entrаnсe  test  dаte  will  be  intimаted  by  resрeсtive  РNR&SС  thrоugh  SMS  whiсh  tаking  аnd  соnsiderаtiоn  оf

imрrоvement  in  СОVID-19  situаtiоn  in  the  соuntry.

Entrаnсe  test  will  be  соnduсted  in  the  fоllоwing  subjeсts.

а.  Intelligent  Test

b.  Асаdemiс  Test


•  Аррliсаtiоn  fоrms  will  be  issued  tо  the  саndidаtes  whо  аre  shоrtlisted  in  the  Entrаnсe  Test,  рreliminаry  mediсаl  аnd

interview  соnduсted  аt  resрeсtive  РNR  &SС.

•  Рersоnаlity  test  will  be  соnduсted  аt  resрeсtive  РNR  &SСs.

•  Оnly  shоrtlisted  саndidаtes  wоuld  be  саlled  fоr  interview  with  РN  Seleсtiоn  Bоаrd.

•  Mediсаl  Exаminаtiоn  оf  РNSB  reсоmmended  саndidаtes  will  be  аrrаnged  аt  the  neаrest  СMH/Nаvаl  Hоsрitаl.


The  саndidаtes  аre  аdvised  tо  get  their  eаrs/  teeth  сleаned  frоm  sрeсiаlist  dосtоr  befоre  reроrting  fоr  mediсаl



•  Free  mediсаl  treаtment  fоr  self,  fаmily  &  раrents.

•  Fаmily  ассоmmоdаtiоn  оr  hоuse  rent  аllоwаnсe  &  servаnt  fасility  tо  mаrried  оffiсers.

•  Орроrtunities  fоr  visits/  соurses/  аssignments  аbrоаd.

•  50%  соnсessiоn  fоr  self/  fаmily  оn  trаveling  by  аir/  rаilwаy.

•  Subsidized  eduсаtiоn  оf  сhildren  in  Bаhriа  соlleges/  University  &  рrоfessiоnаl  institutiоns.

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Nominees will be governed by the UHS Service Statues and Rules / Regulations amended from time to time.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

How to use YouTube Shorts Video and Earn Money 2021

YouTube Shorts 

lanched  YouTube Shorts in pakistan and other all countries

YouTube Shorts is a way for anyone to connect with a new audience using just a smartphone and the Shorts camera in the YouTube app. YouTube's Shorts creation tools makes it easy to create short-form videos that are up to 60 seconds long with our multi-segment camera.
After the first success in India, YouTube will try to use Shorts in the WORLD in March.
After India, the United States will be able to try YouTube Shorts. YouTube
The platform that YouTube is developing to compete with TikTok is set to appear in the United States soon, as YouTube has announced on
blog post
the arrival of a beta version of the Short version from March. YouTube is taking advantage of this opportunity to announce new features such as headlines, support for upcoming videos and new YouTube Kids tools.

A good start in India

Launched in India in September 2020, the shorts managed to establish themselves and win over a large audience. Indeed, since early December the number of Indian methods of using the tool has tripled, and Shorts readers have written more than 3.5 billion views a day worldwide. many are able to test a video tool.
As a reminder, YouTube Shorts is a 15-second or less video, designed to compete with TikTok and Instagram Reels.

Advice for Adding YouTube Shorts

YouTube shorts are short videos that are offered as a function on the platform. At the moment of experimentation, it should be available with a complete national version soon. Here's more about this short video project.

Searc- youtube-shorts-youtube-shorts-search-uploading-youtube-shorts-youtube-short-link-youtube-short-videos-youtube-shorts-app-youtube- shorts

More information on YouTube

The short form is a 15-second video that can be made by any user. It is still in the testing phase and can be configured with Android phones. Users can upload multiple videos and songs. Music can be selected from the library and processed slowly or quickly. Stopwatch and timer notify users of progress.

Short sleeves will be available on iOS devices soon. Users can watch videos on their tablets and phones. Since it was designed for mobile devices, it may not be available to PC users.

If you want to watch the YouTube Shorts video, you can do so by checking the YouTube landing page. You can easily view everything on the platform. Search the image on your landing page.

Making a short video has never been easier. Check your app on the icons and then select the production method. You can create your own video and customize it. Combining music and making sure it doesn’t cross the 15 limit is easy.

Even if you do not have the opportunity to have a short camera, you can download the existing ones in less than a minute. Use the hashtag #Shorts to make sure it's shared.

How to Enhance YouTube Watch

Now that you know how YouTube Shorts are made, the next step is to see how you can increase the amount of ideas along the way.


Strong start-ups: If you want to start making videos on YouTube, make sure your basics are solid. There are many ways to set up an account and enhance your reputation.

Set up a sub-section: In order to better fulfill your marketing strategy and get a high profile on YouTube, you need to know which niche it is. You need to find a special way to give more information on your favorite topic. Be as specific as possible.

Search: YouTube is the largest search engine. If you want to know more about promoting your videos and growing your audience, YouTube can help. Just find the right search terms and find what you are looking for.

Use appropriate metadata: You can view your metadata and competitors to determine how they perform their function. YouTube likes to keep visitors on the platform for a while, and they do this by linking relevant topics and videos. Use the most accurate metadata to drive traffic to your site.

Create playlists: Creating a playlist enables viewers to spend time watching your videos one by one. This limits their ability to access certain movies.

Automotive control using the right tools: Other than listings, end-of-view mirrors and cards are the only tools that filmmakers can use beyond measure. See how you can use this to get cars coming your way.

Make a connection with the idea: In the last five years, more and more viewers have begun to follow in the footsteps of video producers. You can interact with other producers on YouTube and find more subscribers. Motivate your audience actively and entertain them with new content.

Multiplying subscribers can be difficult depending on the amount of content you can watch. You can use YouTube Shorts as teasers to get a fresh start. With a little research and some work, you can do well to develop your YouTube ideas and be relevant.

6.5 billion daily viewing. The number of Indian methods of using targeted devices (where they are testing beta) has tripled since the beginning of December. In September, I shared

YouTube Shorts: Introduction;

In this category, we will take a closer look at this new type of new video. Have YouTube shorts available?


Last September, I mentioned that there are three audiences asking for YouTube shorts:

Designers and artists.

 Visitors and subscribers.

 Advertisers and advertisers.

And, as I mentioned at the time, if designers and artists don’t see what’s visible in viewers and subscribers that advertisers and advertisers want to reach out to them, then these three feet will fall faster than you might say “Vine”.

This is why what I was looking for was not new adaptive tools

which can act as cords for several video clips at once. It was true that short, straightforward videos "can" easily be found on the YouTube landing page (in the new Shorts shelf), as well as other features of the program. "

So has the new Shorts shelf changed the way the videos are available on YouTube?

 Well, when Sherman announced that YouTube Shorts was being released in the US, he realized that nature was just one part of a short experience. YouTube also wanted to help people find short videos and find producers, a new reason to dedicate themselves to them on the front page.

 He added,Even YouTube support page

on Starting Shorts on YouTube seems to be working to address this issue. For example, there is a question on the page that asks, "How did viewers find my short videos ? YouTube says it is always testing new ways to present and that in the meantime, short videos can be found:


On the YouTube landing page and on the short shelf.

 Updates on web pages.

 By selecting this section "What to look for next".

 Through YouTube search.

 You are feeding to users.

YouTube encourages producers to use #Shorts on the title or deion of their video to help them appear on this page.

So what else can you do to fulfill your shortcuts on YouTube?


Effects on YouTube Small Filmmakers

 Let’s take a look at the shorts we’ve seen in the last few weeks to hear what kind of shorts they’ve seen. According to information from Tubular Labs, a YouTube video that was uploaded on March 18, 2021, or the most watched, had just one hour. It is entitled "THIS IS IN THE HEART OF THE HEART!

 Posted by Woody & Kleiny Extra on March 26, 2021, it now has approximately 140 million views. Oh, and it uses hashtags

#shorts, #comedy and #friends.

 Yes, he did a prank movie. It's the kind that has been around since October 2013, when CarrieNYC "

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found 74.9 million. wine in a new bottle. It is also important to note that Woody and Kleiny Extra are in the UK.

 Have YouTube Shorts been sent to this country before? Not really. Many channels in other parts of the world are interested in viewers and subscribers in the United States. HEARTBREAKING! United Kingdom). in a link to their short video, the producers asked viewers to also post our main channel. As a result, their main channel saw 5.5 million views and 20,000 subscribers in the two weeks since a prank video was uploaded to their other channel.

In second place we have "Twins Fromussia latest tiktok #shorts". Posted on March 22, 2021, video 0:31 already has 81.3 million views (see hashtag #shorts on this topic).

Twins like Kirill Revega and Filipp Revega - actors, singers, bloggers and ordinary people - ask them in the comment he wrote on their video: "Good always wins evil!" Do you agree? This genre is new to YouTube, although it is as old as Aesop's fables.

Who knows, maybe we’ll start watching some short movies that offer a short story. The third place is "Tiktok Food Challenge #shorts Funny video by Tikto riki". Posted on March 24, 2021, video 0:23 already has 80.3 million views. Again, the hashtag is in the title.

What color would you prefer this video to? It is like a mustang in which two crowds eat different foods while interacting with an audience. This species became popular in South Korea in 2010, and has since changed dramatically around the world. What about mustang shorts?

 A total of 96,900 accounts uploaded 525,000 videos on YouTube with the hashtag #shorts from March 18, 2021.

 Together they made 17.4 billion (and "B") seen in the three weeks ending on April 8, 2021.

 Are YouTube shorts watched? Absolutely.
YouTube short videos can I LS money?

Now we come to the crucial question: "Can YouTube's short videos be monetized?


Well, if you go back and watch the three short videos shown here- Above you'll see that all three have s.


Note that there are two types of shorts:

One is made using the Shorts camera, which only lasts 15 seconds.

The video is another straightforward video up to 60 seconds using the hashtag # Short in head or deion.

Perhaps we should not be surprised that the type of Shorts length Making money is s. This could explain why three of the videos uploaded as of March 18 2021, using the hashtag #Shorts, are the longest brand. and "based on faith in action"?

 Let's go back and look at Sherman's message.

In conclusion, he explains that YouTube has helped a generation of developers turn their skills into a business and have all paid manufacturers $ 30 billion over the past three years.

Yeah, all right. What about short shorts?

Sherman adds:

 They’re working on what money might look like this type in the future, so be careful to move forward.

Or, as I think, the answer may already be hidden.

Back on June 16, 2020, YouTube launched Brand Connect, which promised to make it easier for manufacturers and businesses to be more reliable and efficient. In a post on the official page of the YouTube blog announcing the same equipment to give qualified manufacturers the opportunity to connect with Branding, Henry Scott-Green, Product Manager of YouTube Brand Connect, says,

He added that new solutions such as Brand Interest Lift, Influence Lift, as well as post-interview discussions provide a more realistic and realistic response to the results of time competition.

This allows businesses to realize how it affects advertising on YouTube, he said. Brand Connect's initial launch was affected by a number of factors, including the COVID-19 epidemic and early deterrence. (Only manufacturers in the US who registered more than 25,000 were eligible.)

So if YouTube is really working to make money in the future, my scientific opinion is that this also includes a break from restrictions on people from participating in Brand Connect.

Be prepared for future events.

How to use YouTube Shorts Video and Earn Money 2021
How to use YouTube Shorts Video and Earn Money 2021

YouTube News, as well as systems, skills and instructions

Extras: Bringing YouTube Shorts to the US

, Official YouTube Blog Launching YouTube Brand Connect, a platform that allows manufacturers and advertisers to collaborate, 

How to Install AnyDesk , Use Anydesk In Computer Anydesk Remote Desktop Pc

Differences between AnyDesk and other PC remote management programs

The main difference pointed out by the developers is the high speed of AnyDesk compared to all other similar programs. The tests (although not the most recent, all the programs on the list have been updated several times since) show that if you connect via Team Viewer and use simplified graphics (disabling Windows Aero, the wallpaper ), the FPS is what they will stay at about 20 fps, and using Any Desk they promise us 60 FPS. You can view the FPS comparison chart for the most popular remote control programs with and without Aero enabled:

AnyDesk - 60 CCT

TeamViewer - 15-25,4 CCT

RDP Windows - 20 CCT

Splashtop - 13-30 CCT

Google Remote Desktop - 12-18 FPS

According to the same tests (conducted by the developers themselves), the use of AnyDesk provides the lowest latency (ten times or less than the use of other software), and the least amount of transferred traffic (1,4 MB per per minute in full HD) without turning off graphics or reducing screen resolution. See the full test report at https://anydesk.com/benchmark/anydesk-benchmark.pdf

This is achieved by using the new DeskRT CODEC, which is specially designed for use with remote desktop connections. Special codecs use other similar programs, but AnyDesk and DeskRT have been developed from the ground up specifically for "graphics-rich" applications.

According to the authors, you can easily and without "brakes" not only manage your computer remotely, but also work in graphic editors, CAD systems and perform many serious tasks. Sounds very promising. In fact, during testing on a local network (I use AnyDesk servers for authorization) the speed was quite acceptable: no problems were found in work tasks. Of course, it can't be played this way: the codecs are optimized specifically for graphics interfaces and a common Windows program, where most of the image remains unchanged for a long time.

Anyway, AnyDesk is the kind of remote desktop and PC management software, and sometimes Android, that I can safely recommend for use.

Where it is also of interest:

AnyDesk - remote computer management and not only

Almost any user who has ever had a computer remote control utility on the Internet knows about the most popular solution of its kind, TeamViewer, which allows quick access to a Windows desktop on another computer, laptop or even from a phone and tablet. AnyDesk is free desktop private software for private use developed by former TeamViewer employees. Its advantages include the high connection speed and good and easy-to-use FPS.

In this brief summary - about remote control of your computer and other devices in AnyDesk, features and some important programming settings. It may also be useful: How to configure AnyDesk unattended remote access, The best remote PC management software for Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, Using Microsoft Remote Desktop.

AnyDesk 4.0.1 Free Remote Access Software Tool Review

Full Review of AnyDesk, Free Remote / Desktop Access Program

AnyDesk is a free remote program that supports unexpected access, no need to install, transfer files, and works without configuring a router.

The tabbed browsing experience and consolidated, hidden menus make AnyDesk very easy to use.


Download AnyDesk

[Anydesk.com | Download & Installation Tips]

Note: If you do not see the download link for your particular operating system, please see the AnyDesk Platforms download page.

Read more on all the details about AnyDesk, what I think about the program, and a quick tutorial on how to use it.

Note: This review is for AnyDesk 4.0.1 for Windows, released on April 11, 2018. Please let me know if I need a newer version.

More about AnyDesk

AnyDesk works with Linux, MacOS, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows XP operating systems, as well as Android, iOS, FreeBSD, and Raspberry Pi

The contents of the program can be broadcast across the host and client computer

AnyDesk runs in portable mode by default but you can install it as a regular program if you wish

During an active remote connection, various settings can be accessed from the top menu

AnyDesk may change the connection to create the best video quality, speed or balance between the two

Other settings are also customized such as displaying the remote cursor, transmitting sound, disabling control for viewing only, turning on clipboard synchronization, inputting the other user's input and taking a screenshot

Files can be transferred with AnyDesk by copying them to the clipboard and clearing them to the remote computer, but there is also a separate file manager tool that can be used instead of the remote access tool

Remote PC can restart, even when AnyDesk is working in portable mode

Link shortcuts can be saved to Desktop for quick access

Control can be switched between the sides during a session

You can record the session to a video file

All keyboard shortcuts can be sent to a remote computer, even Ctrl-Alt-Del

The user account image in Windows will be displayed as your identity when prompted to connect to another computer

Displays a list of past links on the basis of AnyDesk to easily open old links

A system information tab displays information about the remote computer

From the host's point of view, they can set up AnyDesk to dissuade remote users from doing things like clearing the keyboard and mouse, restarting the computer, using the file manager, requesting information on the system, listening to your computer audio and more

Benefits & amp; Cons

This remote access program is a lot like:


Supports unexpected access

Updates are automatic

Clean and uncluttered interface

Slight download size (just over 1 MB)

Custom cancers can be identified on computers

Supports file transfers

It can be run in fullscreen mode

Includes text chat capabilities

Supports launching keyboard shortcuts

The mobile app can connect to computers

Portable option available


It may be a little confusing to use at first

How AnyDesk works

Like other remote desktop programs, like TeamViewer and Remote Utilities, AnyDesk uses an ID number to create an easy connection. If you install AnyDesk instead of running it portably, you will be given the option of a custom alias (like

@ad) do with others, which is easier to remember than a random set of numbers.

When AnyDesk is running on both the host and client computer, they can share the AnyDesk-Address with the other and insert it into the "Remote Desktop" section of the program to start the connection. The computer that will send the address is the one that controls the other computer.

Set up a password in the sites to enable unexpected access. You can also define the permissions given to remote users when they connect to you. Permissions allow them to monitor, hear computer audio, control the keyboard and mouse, access the clipboard, and lock the user's keyboard and mouse input, among others.

To install AnyDesk on your computer, open the portable program and click "Install AnyDesk on this computer ..." from the "Connect New" tab.

AnyDesk - remote computer management and not only

Almost any user who has ever had a computer remote control utility on the Internet knows about the most popular solution of its kind, TeamViewer, which allows quick access to a Windows desktop on another computer, laptop or even from a phone and tablet. AnyDesk is free desktop private software for private use developed by former TeamViewer employees. Its advantages include the high connection speed and good and easy-to-use FPS.

In this brief summary - about remote control of your computer and other devices in AnyDesk, features and some important programming settings. It may also be useful: How to configure AnyDesk unattended remote access, The best remote PC management software for Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, Using Microsoft Remote Desktop.

How to Install AnyDesk , Use Anydesk In Computer Anydesk Remote Desktop Pc
How to Install AnyDesk , Use Anydesk In Computer Anydesk Remote Desktop Pc