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Sunday, July 25, 2021

how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

how much does youtube pay/ how do youtubers make money/ how much money does youtube pay/यूट्यूब कितना भुगतान करता है youtubers पैसे कैसे कमाते हैं

There are still many skeptics in this world who believe that it is possible to make money online. In fact, there are many success stories of people who have made a profit online. YouTube is one of the many ways you can experience the Internet, and if you are lucky you are an Internet millionaire.


Below provides a guide on How Much YouTubers Make;


Google pays 68% of AdSense revenue, so for every $ 100 advertiser pays, Google pays $ 68 per publisher.

Prices paid by the advertiser vary, usually between $ 0.10 to $ 0.30 per view, but average $ 0.18 per view.

On average a YouTube channel can earn $ 18 per 1,000 ad views. This amounts to $ 3 - $ 5 per 1000 video views.

In this post we talked about how people make money on YouTube. However, how much do they make? Here's a Youtube Earnings Estimator you can give a spin - to find out how much YouTube makes, read on;

Well, for thousands of YouTubers, the response is "nothing," or "very little." However, there are many YouTubers who make a living from their video channels. In addition, there is a small group of elite earning extraordinary money through videos they make and post online.

 यूट्यूब कितना भुगतान करता है

youtubers पैसे कैसे कमाते हैं

यूट्यूब कितना पैसा देता है

एक यूट्यूबर कितना कमाता है

आप यूट्यूब पर कितना कमाते हैं

आप यूट्यूब पर कितना कमा सकते हैं

When it comes to leading YouTube success brings success. You will find that the dollar is the hardest to find the first one. When you have more subscribers, more people will click on your ads. The more people click on your ads, the more you make a name for yourself, the more likely the products are to give you sponsorship or marketing deals.  The better  known  your channel, the more likely you are to join a network of multiple channels. It is like being in a high wind.

YouTubers कितना कमाते हैं, इस बारे में नीचे एक गाइड दी गई है;

 Google AdSense राजस्व का 68% भुगतान करता है, इसलिए प्रत्येक $ 100 विज्ञापनदाता भुगतान के लिए, Google प्रति प्रकाशक $ 68 का भुगतान करता है।

विज्ञापनदाता द्वारा भुगतान की जाने वाली कीमतें आमतौर पर $ 0.10 से $ 0.30 प्रति दृश्य के बीच भिन्न होती हैं, लेकिन औसत $ 0.18 प्रति दृश्य।

औसतन एक YouTube चैनल प्रति 1,000 विज्ञापन दृश्यों पर $18 कमा सकता है। यह $ 3 - $ 5 प्रति 1000 वीडियो दृश्य के बराबर है।

इस पोस्ट में हमने बात की कि लोग YouTube पर पैसे कैसे कमाते हैं। हालांकि, वे कितना कमाते हैं? यहां एक यूट्यूब कमाई अनुमानक है जिसे आप स्पिन दे सकते हैं - यह पता लगाने के लिए कि यूट्यूब कितना कमाता है, पढ़ें;

how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube
how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

खैर, हजारों YouTubers के लिए, प्रतिक्रिया "कुछ नहीं," या "बहुत कम" है। हालाँकि, कई YouTubers हैं जो अपने वीडियो चैनलों से जीविकोपार्जन करते हैं। इसके अलावा, कुलीन वर्ग का एक छोटा समूह है जो अपने द्वारा बनाए गए और ऑनलाइन पोस्ट किए गए वीडियो के माध्यम से असाधारण धन कमा रहा है।

जब अग्रणी YouTube सफलता की बात आती है तो सफलता मिलती है। आप पाएंगे कि पहले डॉलर को खोजना सबसे कठिन है। जब आपके पास अधिक ग्राहक होंगे, तो अधिक लोग आपके विज्ञापनों पर क्लिक करेंगे। जितने अधिक लोग आपके विज्ञापनों पर क्लिक करते हैं, उतना ही आप अपने लिए एक नाम बनाते हैं, उतनी ही अधिक संभावना है कि उत्पाद आपको प्रायोजन या मार्केटिंग सौदे दे सकते हैं। आपका चैनल जितना बेहतर होगा, आपके कई चैनलों के नेटवर्क में शामिल होने की संभावना उतनी ही अधिक होगी। यह तेज हवा में होने जैसा है।

What Can You Find in the Early Days of Your Channel?

There is no chance of you gaining anything as you post your first video on YouTube. It's a new video, and it's really a long way from being considered influential. However, everyone should start at the bottom. Even Pew Die Pie was not known for uploading his first video in 2010. It is now so popular that people are making videos interviewing Pew Die Pie's first subscribers, about whether they feel popular. Back in the beginning, he was making niche videos in Swedish.


In theory, you can sign up for an Adsense account and enable your channel to monetize from the moment you create a YouTube channel. However, in reality, it is impossible to make real money until you build traffic to your site - and with that, I mean real traffic from people watching your videos, not by taking a shortcut to pay for views.


While there are some CPM ads (cost per thousand views), most are CPC (cost per click). To get anything done with CPC ad, you need the viewer to click on the ad. In fact, only a small percentage of your viewers will click on the ads around your videos. Even CPM ads in the video itself require more than just a glance. To calculate the payout, the viewer must watch it for at least 30 seconds (or half the shortest video ad). Think about how many people passed the ad at the beginning of the video, thus eliminating any payment opportunity on the channel. When viewers click or watch your ads long enough to earn money, you share any advertising revenue with YouTube. You will only be paid if your AdSense account reaches $ 100.

One way you can start making money with a very small number of subscribers is if you choose a popular topic and participate in affiliate marketing. For example, if your videos are reviewing a popular product type, and you link to the corresponding sales page for this product you can start making money that way.


With a negative idea of ​​how much Youtubers make use of the salary scale below and then import the user's Youtube channel

Of course some funds are easier than others to make money from, so if you hope to one day live on the money earned by your channel it can help if you establish your channel on an attractive topic. Probably the  most successful niche to play. Let's face it, playing games is a big industry in itself, and most players have the right amount of income to spend. Some successful niches include:

Moderately Successful Channels

With enough perseverance, not to mention the camera talent, you have to finally get yourself out of YouTube for poor actors. By this time you should be earning AdSense revenue every month, with the corresponding marketing revenue if you choose to go down that route.


However, at this stage, you are still publishing a lot of love videos, with another source of money that pays for your daily survival costs. Currently you can be considered as a small influence on your particular niche.


Once you have something like 20,000 subscribers, you might consider asking for a refund for help with a site like Patreon. Patreon's regular sponsor donates $ 7, and Patreon keeps 5% of the promises as a commission. It should be noted, however, that if you upload videos regularly, you may receive recurring payments from your Patreon sponsors. One example is The Comedy Button which currently has 5,266 sponsors who pay them $ 13,129 per month. This is a YouTube channel with approximately 24,500 subscribers


As soon as these channels start to see success, they should want to do more with their AdWords, for example, by chasing phrases at a higher price per click (CPC). If it is a review channel, for example, you can focus on reviewing products that attract ads with high CPC.


how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube
how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

At the moment they can become famous enough for small brands to ask the channel to authorize their products. However, these channels are small, according to YouTube standards, so revenue from sponsorship and product placement will still be enough for channel owners to survive.

see them as less influential, and channels certainly do not generate full-time revenue. Dunn runs the channel with his friend, Just Just Us. You would think that would be sufficient to ensure the survival of the fittest. However, Dunn says, "despite this success, we're still turning off… but it's not enough to survive, and its entry is unexpected. Our channel is in that empty YouTube world: Brands thinks we're too small to support them, but fans think we're too big for donations. . ”


Well, it depends on who your audience is. One issue that many YouTubers face is that their fans are naturally anti-establishment, anti-capitalist, and the idea that their YouTube heroes may be selling themselves. Other types of channels, such as review channels, play channels, and then anything related to the business make it easy. Their fans expect these channels to make money, so don’t hesitate to help them.

Success starts at 1,000,000

When the number of YouTube channel subscribers reaches millions, life becomes easier for owners. These channels are beginning to gain popularity and are beginning to be seen as influential in their niche.


1,000,000 subscribers sounded small, but these channels do not exist in the elite company. There are now more than 2,000 channels in 1,000,000+ clubs. Some of these are the official offline superstars' channels, especially Justin Bieber and Rihanna's favorite music channels, but quite a few of the everyday people who have built their own following YouTube.


Once you have a following of this size, you have traffic to earn acceptable money.

Clearly, it is important for the channel to keep coming up with new videos, at least one to two videos a week. If the channel were able to get all its 1,000,000 followers to watch two new videos a week we would get each week: $ 18 x 1,000 x 2 = $ 36,000 a week from AdSense alone.


how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube
how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

Obviously, at this level the channel is also more likely to have support opportunities, recommendations, and product placements. Many of these YouTube stars will also be known enough to sell products on their fanbase. Any reviews of this type of channel tend to make good money through affiliate marketing, even if they are only affiliated with Amazon, and at relatively low prices of 1 - 10% to pay to agents.

Great YouTube Heroes

Then there are true YouTube stars, some of whom earn a living from their activities on the social network.


It is impossible to earn revenue directly from YouTube - there are too many variations and undisclosed figures. However, there are many websites that offer "good guesses" of the revenue earned by leading YouTube channels. Forbes published a list of the highest paid YouTubers in 2015. The top ten stations managed to earn at least $ 2.5 million each in their pre-tax pay for the year ending June 1, 2015. Sweden, Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie managed to earn $ 12 million in that financial year - not the worst for someone who spends his days playing video games.


The Top 10 Forbes Winners of the 2015 YouTube Stars were:

1: PewDiePie - $ 12 million

Second equivalent: Smosh - $ 8.5 million

Second equals: Good Brothers - $ 8.5 million

Fourth: Lindsey Stirling - $ 6 million

5 equivalent: Rhett & Link - $ 4.5 million

6 equals: KSI - $ 4.5 million

Seventh: Michelle Phan - $ 3 million

Eight equals: Lilly Singh - $ 2.5 million

Eight equals: Roman Attwood - $ 2.5 million

Eight equals: Rosanna Pansino - $ 2.5 million

In January 2016 Money Nation released their financial calculators and estimated that PieDiePie was worth $ 78 million. You are an example of how you can build your income directly from YouTube, as well as the flow as a result of your success there, over the years. According to Money Nation statistics his Net Worth has grown since he started his channel, as follows:

You can’t ignore the value of his sales earnings. MoneyNation estimates that the current profit is $ 41 million to match the estimated $ 112 million he received directly from his YouTube channel. They also calculated PewDiePie's annual salary to be about $ 14 million.


While PewDiePie is unique, its financial success should be a positive sign for all YouTube content providers. His stats should be a goal of aspiration for anyone starting a YouTube channel. Yes, it's hard to make money on YouTube. Yes, you should work consistently, not just making your own videos, but also promoting them, building relationships with your audience. However, PieDiePie has shown that you can succeed on YouTube. You can be both rich and have a huge impact on your fanbase. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Those who do can be very successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do YouTubers make?

YouTubers कितना कमाते हैं?

इस लेख में, हम इस पर करीब से नज़र डालते हैं कि YouTubers आम तौर पर कितना कमाते हैं। Google AdSense राजस्व का 68% भुगतान करता है, इसलिए प्रत्येक $ 100 विज्ञापनदाता भुगतान के लिए, Google $ 68 प्रति प्रकाशक (YouTuber) का भुगतान करता है। विज्ञापनदाता द्वारा भुगतान की जाने वाली कीमतें आमतौर पर $ 0.10 से $ 0.30 प्रति दृश्य के बीच भिन्न होती हैं, लेकिन औसत $ 0.18 प्रति दृश्य। औसतन, एक YouTube चैनल $ 18 प्रति 1,000 विज्ञापन दृश्य कमा सकता है, जो $ 3 - $ 5 प्रति 1000 वीडियो दृश्य के बराबर है।

how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube
how do youtubers make money/how much can you make on youtube

सबसे अधिक भुगतान पाने वाला YouTuber कौन है?

जब आप विज्ञापन छोड़ते हैं तो क्या YouTubers पैसे कमाते हैं?

YouTuber प्रति वर्ष कितना कमाता है?

क्या यूट्यूब नौकरी बन सकता है?

क्या YouTubers को लाइक या व्यू के लिए भुगतान किया जाता है?

In this article, we take a closer look at how much YouTubers typically make. Google pays 68% of AdSense revenue, so for every $ 100 advertiser pays, Google pays $ 68 per publisher (YouTuber). Prices paid by the advertiser vary, usually  between  $ 0.10 to $ 0.30 per view, but average $ 0.18 per view. On average, a YouTube channel can earn $ 18 per 1,000 ad views, equivalent to $ 3 - $ 5 per 1000 video views.


Who is the most paid YouTuber?

Do YouTubers make money when you skip ads?

How much does YouTuber make per year?

Can YouTube be a job?

Are YouTubers paid for likes or views?